Visual changes
- Module adjusted: Payment Goal (new layout)
- Module adjusted: Server Status (new animating gradient)
- Module adjusted: Featured Package (new layout)
- Module adjusted: Giftcard Balance (new button)
- New basket design
- New active navigation item animation
- New payment gateway section (added Apple Pay, Discover)
- Made the hero image slightly larger
- Adjusted font weights
- Uppercased buttons
- Fixed hero image not displaying correctly
- Fixed marginal issue with the top-donator panel
Other changes
- Improved padding and margin consistency
- Moved all documentation over to Notion, Gitbook will be disabled as of today.
- theme.css
- layout.html
- index.html
- module.serverstatus.html
- module.goal.html
- module.featuredpackage.html
- module.giftcardbalance.html