If you open up layout.html, you'll notice quite a few settings at the very top of the page. You can set these to your liking.

{% set website = "#" %} {# Main website (blog, forum, etc.) #}
{% set server = "play.hypixel.net" %} {# Server IP #}
{% set serverPORT = "" %} {# Server PORT (if you have one) #}
{% set discord = "#" %} {# Discord server invite link #}
{% set discordID = "478893549501284363" %} {# Discord ID from server widget #}
{% set socials = {
    facebook: "",
    github: "",
    linkedin: "",
    instagram: "",
    youtube: "#",
    twitter: "#",
    twitch: "#",
    tiktok: ""
} %}

{% set showPlayerCount = true %} {# IMPORTANT: discordID & server cannot be empty variables! #}
{% set onSaleTag = true %} {# Show "On Sale" tag on category packages #}